Ready to Make a Change for the Better?
Looking in the mirror and becoming more pleased with what you see can be life-changing. Because the nose is the most prominent facial feature, rhinoplasty in Honolulu is the most-requested facial plastic surgery procedure – and it’s also one of the most complex.
Selecting the right surgeon means everything for your comfort and, ultimately, your appearance. Dr. Susan Tan of Hawaii Facial Plastic Surgery is double board certified and is highly regarded for providing the finest rhinoplasty Honolulu has to offer. Her caring, patient-centered approach assures you of complete comfort throughout the process.
Improve your appearance for a lifetime. You’ll love the way you look and feel.
There are cosmetic and medical reasons for finding out more about rhinoplasty. It can make a crooked nose appear straighter, reduce size or prominence, and remove bumps and humps. When expanded to functional rhinoplasty, a cosmetic procedure has health benefits, helping you breathe properly.
Regardless of your goals or needs, Dr. Tan can help, and she has an excellent track record of success.
What Can Honolulu Rhinoplasty Do for You?
Reduce excessive length or size
Improve the overall shape or nasal tip
Smooth a dorsal hump to improve your profile
Narrow large nostrils
Correct a crooked or previously broken nose
Medical and health benefits exist with rhinoplasty when your plastic surgeon follows a functional approach. Dr. Tan often combines aesthetic improvements with medical treatment.
For example, if you have a deviated septum or have had a broken nose, your nasal passages may be obstructed. In those cases, functional rhinoplasty improves your breathing along with the desired cosmetic changes to your nose.
Rhinoplasty Surgical Techniques: What are the Options?
The decision about whether you’ll benefit most from open or closed rhinoplasty depends on the structure of your nose and your aesthetic goals. Dr. Tan’s experience and training inform the advice you’ll receive, and she works with each patient uniquely. It minimizes any downtime and discomfort to the greatest extent possible.
Closed rhinoplasty
Closed rhinoplasty is the best option for patients requiring less complex changes. Incisions are smaller, and they’re made from inside the nostrils. It works well for finite changes when less restructuring is needed.
Open rhinoplasty
If you need more complex structural changes to your nose, open rhinoplasty allows for more significant alterations. It includes incisions on the nose’s exterior as skin is lifted to access the underlying nasal structures. The incisions are precise and carefully made in the skin’s natural folds to conceal them.
Am I a Good Candidate for Rhinoplasty?
Cosmetic nose surgery is an option for anyone who would like to improve the size or shape of their nose.
There is no optimal age, and people in their teen years whose noses are fully grown, along with women and men in their 20s and 30s, are the most common patients. Nose surgeries are also available for middle-aged adults and people as old as their 70s and 80s.
When you make an initial visit to Hawaii Facial Plastic Surgery for a consultation with Dr. Tan, she can explain your options. She’ll review the appearance and medical benefits and discuss the type of rhinoplasty procedure best for you.
What is a Septoplasty and How is it Beneficial?
Septoplasty is the medical side of nose surgery. It corrects a crooked or deviated septum and improves breathing. Septoplasties can be done alone or in combination with cosmetic nose surgery (rhinoplasty).
The surgical approach to septoplasty is straightforward. Dr. Tan makes carefully placed incisions in the nose, removes irregular portions of the septum, and places them back in their natural position.
Can a Nonsurgical Nose Job Help Me?
The introduction of cosmetic fillers has made nonsurgical nose jobs an option. They cannot reduce the size of your nose, but they can improve its shape.
Some popular nonsurgical nose procedures using fillers can smooth out your nose’s bridge, reshape the tip, or soften sharp angles. Because the fillers are not permanent, results are temporary and need to be repeated periodically. It’s different from surgical procedures that are permanent.
Deciding on a Facial Plastic Surgeon for Your Rhinoplasty
The decision to undergo rhinoplasty in Honolulu is a significant one. Most people who want to improve the appearance of their noses have deep feelings about them. Dr. Tan understands and works closely with patients to give thoughtful advice and consultation.
Selecting a facial plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty involves your comfort level with the physician, their experience, certifications, and the affordability of their prices.
Dr. Tan is double board certified and has performed hundreds of successful facial plastic surgery procedures, many of them rhinoplasties. She practices with advanced techniques that produce natural-looking results. Her offices are conveniently located in Honolulu, and she is fair and transparent with pricing.
No two patients’ needs are alike, and your decision-making will be unique. Dr. Tan is available to answer questions and provide complete information during your pre-rhinoplasty consultation.
Ready to get started? Book a consultation with the best facial plastic surgeon for nose surgery Oahu has to offer.
Frequently Asked Questions About Rhinoplasty
Does Rhinoplasty Change Your Face?
Rhinoplasty improves facial appearance by helping achieve harmony and balance. Because the nose influences people’s perception of all attributes, nose surgery can have a significantly favorable impact. A reshaped nose helps bring out natural beauty and boosts self-confidence.
If your nose is large or irregularly shaped, it can draw attention away from your other attractive characteristics, such as your eyes or smile.
What Can I Expect During a Rhinoplasty Consultation?
Dr. Tan follows a careful and thorough, patient-focused approach, so the process begins with information. When you contact the office, we will start by gathering as much information as possible to determine your needs and goals – even before the initial consultation. When you first meet Dr. Tan, she will listen and ask questions to understand better what you’d like to change about your nose.
The next step is a thorough medical examination of your nose, both inside and outside. It will cover your nasal structures, note any history of trauma to the nose, and whether you have breathing issues to be corrected. The detailed examination also covers visual aspects, specifically considering whether you are bothered by the front view of your nose, the side (profile) view, or both.
You’ll also receive information about recovery times and post-operative care.
What Happens on the Day of My Rhinoplasty?
On the day of your rhinoplasty, both you and Dr. Tan will arrive early for a pre-surgery consultation. She will go over your surgery plan and answer any last-minute questions you may have.
Dr. Tan believes firmly in thorough patient education. Her goal is to help you understand all phases of the process and ease any anxiety you may have about the surgery. During the procedure, she will work meticulously, paying close attention to every medical and aesthetic detail. Get started with an initial consultation with Dr. Susan Tan, the top plastic surgeon for rhinoplasty Oahu has available.
How is Dr. Tan’s Approach to Rhinoplasty Unique?
Approaching each patient individually is a cornerstone of Dr. Tan’s practice. She has trained with some of the best cosmetic surgeons in the field and incorporated their techniques. For example, taking an objective scientific view of your needs, following a problem-solving approach, and creating custom-tailored surgical plans.
Her process includes carefully measuring facial proportions and dimensions and conducting a detailed analysis of your nose – front, side/profile, and base. The goal is to match what you see and ensure surgery accomplishes your desired changes. Schedule a consultation today to learn more about Dr. Tan’s approach to providing the best nose surgery Honolulu offers.
What is the Rhinoplasty Recovery Process Like?
Everyone’s recovery is unique, but you may be pleasantly surprised that it may be easier than you expected.
Things to do and expect include:
First few days after surgery — Keep your head elevated at all times, including while sleeping; it helps minimize swelling and bruising that are natural parts of the process; also, apply cold compresses to your cheeks for several days.
7 days after surgery – Remove a small nasal splint that is placed after surgery
7 to 10 days after surgery — Return to work or school and resume nonstrenuous life activities; resume nonstrenuous, regular exercise
10 days after surgery – Most patients see a significant reduction in bruising and are ready to go out in public; most people wait two weeks to attend social gatherings
After 6 weeks – swelling will have reduced considerably, and improvement to your appearance will begin; complete and final results can take up to one year as subtle changes occur when final swelling fades.
To learn more about what to expect book your initial consultation with the top surgeon for rhinoplasty Hawaii has available.
Before Your Rhinoplasty Procedure (Pre-Op)
Please read through the instructions below as you prepare for your nose surgery (rhinoplasty). If you have questions or need more information, please contact the Hawaii Facial Plastic Surgery office
Things to Buy Ahead and Have on Hand at Home
- Antibacterial skin wash
- Saline nasal spray
- Sterile gauze pads – 4×4 inch size
- Antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide}
- Cotton swabs
- Arnica pills (natural anti-swelling medication)
- Pick up prescribed medications – antibiotics, pain relievers, relaxants
Two Weeks Before Surgery
- Do not take NSAIDs – ibuprofen, aspirin, naproxen sodium; read product labels carefully, they are found in many products.
- Do not smoke
- Do not drink alcoholic beverages
The Week Before Your Surgery
- Confirm arrangements with a friend, relative, or caregiver to drive you to the surgery center and pick you up after your surgery.
- The person must be a responsible adult who will care for you for the next 24 hours at home.
On the Morning of Your Surgery
- Wash your face with the antibacterial solution
- Thoroughly remove all makeup, especially around the eyes
- Do not apply moisturizers to your face
- Wear loose, casual clothing that opens in the front – nothing that must be pulled over the head
- Do not wear any jewelry and leave valuables at home
- Take any post-surgery medications when you arrive home
- Let Dr. Tan know of any other medications you plan to take after surgery
The Day Before Your Rhinoplasty Procedure
- Wash your face thoroughly with an antibacterial wash, avoiding the eyes
- Begin taking antibiotic medication and, as directed
- Start your first dose of Arnica in the evening & continue per pkg directions
- Do not eat or drink anything after 12 midnight
After Your Rhinoplasty Procedure (Post-Op)
Nose surgery patients should plan to stay at home and rest for three to five days. Before you leave the office, you’ll make an appointment for a surgical follow-up visit in one week.
Immediately Following Surgery
- You’ll leave with a splint on your nose, which needs to remain on for a week. You may wash your face, but keep the splint dry.
- For the first 24 hours, you’ll also have a gauze drip pad on your cheeks to catch any drainage; you can change the gauze pad as needed.
The First Day After Your Procedure
- When the drainage stops, remove the gauze pad from your cheeks and start using hydrogen peroxide and saline spray.
- You’ll also use cotton swabs soaked with hydrogen peroxide to dissolve any blood on your nose or the incisions. You can clean away any blood three to four times a day.
- After you clean away any blood, irrigate your nostrils with saline spray. Let the saline drip from your nostrils and dab it up gently with facial tissue—do not blow your nose.
- If a fascia graft is used, leave the head wrap in place
The First Week After Surgery
- Keep the nasal splint, including internal splints if applicable, in place until your post-surgery follow-up appointment.
- Continue to clean away blood with cotton swabs and hydrogen peroxide as needed.
- Continue to rinse the nostrils with saline spray dabbed up with facial tissues.
- Do not blow your nose
- Avoid excessive chewing or talking
- Reduce salty foods and drinking water to lessen swelling
- Sleep on your back with your head elevated by two pillows
- Wait three days before wearing contact lenses
- Brush your teeth gently, avoid disturbing the upper lip
- Avoid strenuous activity
- Spend most time sitting upright
- Get your nose wet in the shower on the day of your one-week post-surgery appointment to loosen the cast. Do not pull the cast off, but if it falls off naturally, don’t worry.
For Two Weeks After Surgery
- Do not smoke – even a single puff of tobacco constricts blood vessels and impedes healing.
- Do not drink alcoholic beverages
- Do not blow your nose
- Avoid physical or strenuous activities
- Call the doctor’s office if you have any questions