The ideal candidate for these procedures has early jowling, mild to moderate skin laxity, and submental fullness (a double chin). As mentioned earlier, most patients for whom these methods work best want to see an improvement but don’t yet need a facelift.
Commonly, candidates are in their 40s or 50s, but people of other ages may qualify, especially if the goal is to remove or reduce a double chin. When you see a double-board certified facial plastic surgeon in Honolulu like Dr. Tan, you’ll receive a complete explanation of your options. She is well-regarded for procedures like “weekend facelifts” and other non-surgical face and neck improvements.
The FaceTite procedure can be combined with liposuction or the RF microneedling Morpheus8 procedure to produce even more effective (and noticeable) results.
There are significant advantages to having liposuction with FaceTite instead of having it alone. The RF energy breaks down and melts pockets of fat under the skin that liposuction can more quickly and precisely remove.