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Lip Filler Treatments | Lip Augmentation

Beautiful, Natural-Looking Lip Augmentation

Together with your eyes and nose, your lips are a focal point on your face. That’s why natural-looking lip filler treatments can instantly and beautifully enhance your appearance. When you smile, speak, or eat, your lips are noticeable, and improving their shape and fullness transforms your face.

Lip fillers are among the most popular non-surgical cosmetic treatments for many excellent reasons. You see results immediately; treatment is in 15 minutes (or less), and the results will last a year or more for most patients. Lip injections can augment or rejuvenate the lips depending on your age and needs.

Fuller and more beautifully shaped lips have consistently been recognized and desired as aesthetically important facial features.

You can visit Dr. Susan Tan at Hawaii Facial Plastic Surgery on your lunch break and return to work or home with fuller/ more beautiful lips. The results look natural and can be as subtle or dramatic as you prefer. Our concierge clinic is conveniently located and easy to reach from anywhere in Honolulu.

Oahu lip filler treatment, Honolulu. Add volume to lips with Dr. Susan Tan.

What Do Lip Fillers Improve?

Lip fillers are best known for adding volume to your smile, but they do much more. The products used are hyaluronic acid dermal fillers that have been used on millions of people safely and effectively. They are especially beneficial to the lips, where they make many noticeable improvements.

  • Increased lip volume
  • A natural-looking lift
  • More definition in the Cupid’s bow and lip borders
  • Proper top/bottom lip ratio and symmetry
  • A hydrated, healthier look

Cosmetic enhancements to the lips with fillers can improve the good features you were born with and make them better – and they can compensate for areas where you need a little help. The procedure is not overly painful; you’re done in minutes and ready to return to your typical day’s activities.

Have You Overlooked Lip Injections So Far?

If you’ve tried other cosmetic treatments and haven’t achieved all the improvement you hope to see, talk to Dr. Tan about how lip injections can help.

Much attention in facial cosmetic improvements goes to the eyes and nose as it should, but the lips are also a significant factor in your facial appearance.

Depending on your age and body, the improvements can last 12-15 months before you need a touch-up.

What are the Two Kinds of Lip Enhancement?

There are two types of lip treatments; the one that’s best for you depends on your needs and age.

  1. Lip Augmentation works optimally for patients in their 20s and 30s who want to enhance their lips by creating a fuller, more shaped appearance.
  2. Lip Rejuvenation is indicated for patients in their 40s, 50s, and beyond who have thinning of the lips. Specifically, it’s a loss of the border between the darker lip and the regular skin tone (called the vermillion border). Additionally, fine lines in the upper lip may cause lipstick to bleed into the lines. Rejuvenation restores the lips’ contours and shape to a more youthful appearance.

Dr. Tan takes a personalized approach to each patient for every procedure, and lip enhancements are no exception. The amount of filler used, placement, and the frequency of re-treatments will be unique to you and part of your personalized treatment plan.

Taking Control of Your Appearance Matters

Some people feel that aspects of their appearance hold them back and affect their self-confidence. If you’re one of them and considering a cosmetic procedure, the best first step is to visit Dr. Tan for an initial consultation. She has highly developed aesthetic abilities underpinned by an MD’s medical knowledge.

It’s common for patients to arrive thinking a treatment will achieve their desired improvement when it turns out something else would help them more. While lip augmentation is a straightforward procedure with a specific effect, Dr. Tan can explain how far it will go toward reaching your goal.

Honolulu lip injection treatment, Oahu lip augmentation, Hawaii.

Do Lip Fillers Have Other Benefits?

Many patients considering lip fillers are pleased to learn they have appearance benefits that extend beyond the lips. All parts of our faces work together to create our appearance, so it comes as little surprise that improving one can have beneficial effects on others.

When the lips are non-surgically augmented by a physician with Dr. Tan’s advanced cosmetic abilities, you can expect related improvements to your facial appearance.

  • Aesthetically upturned corners of the mouth
  • Softened perioral lines, marionette lines, and nasolabial folds
  • Enhanced chin projection

Understanding how each part of the face affects our appearance is a key part of successful cosmetic treatment, which is why it’s crucial to trust someone with advanced knowledge.

Benefits of lip filler injections, Honolulu. Lip rejuvenation, Hawaii.

Why Choose Dr. Tan for Lip Filler Treatments?

Dr. Tan is a double-board-certified facial plastic surgeon highly regarded for her cosmetic treatments, including the best lip fillers Honolulu offers. She follows a personalized approach for every dermal filler injection, ensuring that all areas of the lip and patient concerns are treated.

Lip injections will restore lost volume, improve the shape, add plumpness, and restore definition. Dr. Tan’s skilled hand will also highlight your Cupid’s bow and lip borders, the down-turn of the corner of the mouth, and the chin crease and projection are improved.

Dr. Tan highly recommends lip treatments with temporary fillers because the lip
is a moveable, soft, dynamic structure that changes with age.

With the proper injection technique, the full mouth area is beautified, giving the lower face, chin, and jowls a natural, enhanced look and making your smile more attractive, approachable, soft, and youthful.

Am I a Good Candidate?

Lip augmentation with injectable hyaluronic acid is available to nearly all adults in good health. Most commonly, patients seek treatment because their upper and lower lip sizes are uneven or because their upper lip is, or has become, too thin. Some people want more volume than their genes gave them.

There are only a few prerequisites before undergoing the procedure:

The level of augmentation (amount of filler used) is under your control. Dr. Tan will recommend an optimal amount, but you’ll decide how much is right for you.

Hawaii lip fill treatment, Honolulu. Lip augmentation before and after.

Honolulu’s Lip Filler Expert

If you are comparing providers offering lip filler in Honolulu, look no further. Even though the injections are non-surgical cosmetic treatments, you want someone with the most expertise, and that’s Dr. Susan Tan. You’ll also appreciate the concierge clinic facilities at Hawaii Facial Plastic Surgery.

Lip augmentation treatment is available as a stand-alone procedure or combined with other cosmetic or facial plastic surgery treatments. When you discuss your goals with Dr. Tan, she will explain your options. You’ll be under the care of the city’s only double-board certified female plastic surgeon.

Frequently Asked Questions

A.1. There is virtually no downtime after treatment and nothing to do before. It’s common to experience some swelling and tenderness for one to two days after the procedure.

A. 2. Once you’ve achieved your desired lip shape and volume, how often you need re-treatment depends on your body and desired look. Typically, the filler lasts 12 to 15 months, but some patients like to have touch-ups more frequently; it can be as often as every four to six months.

A. 3. All injectable products are FDA-approved; two of the most popular are Restylane® and Juverderm®. Millions of patients worldwide have safely received lip augmentation injections.

A. 4. You can choose to have filler in one or both lips, depending on your desired look. Dr. Tan can advise you about the best approach to meet your goals.

A. 5. You have choices among Honolulu lip filler providers. Coming to Dr. Tan puts you in the hands of an experienced facial plastic surgeon with extensive medical and aesthetic knowledge. Our clinic is at 1150 S. King Street, Honolulu, HI 96814.

Ready to learn more about lip augmentation treatments in Honolulu? Reach out today.

Susan Tan, MD, Hawaii Facial Plastic Surgery

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