A More Appealing Smile Can be Yours

Dimple Creation, Dimpleplasty | Susan Tan, MD

Some people are lucky enough to be born with great smiles, largely thanks to their natural dimples. The good news for the rest of us is that facial plastic surgeons can create dimples in a relatively simple dimple surgery procedure. If you’d like to improve your smile, it’s worth finding out more.

In Honolulu, dimple creation is one of Dr. Tan’s more popular procedures, and as a double-board-certified plastic surgeon, she is ready to help. Also, if you had dimples when you were younger and lost them as part of natural aging, you can restore them.

Nearly all healthy people can have dimple surgery, and it’s a quick, minimally invasive outpatient procedure with little downtime.

Why is dimple surgery so popular?

It’s hard to explain why some physical traits are pleasing to the human eye. But for most of us, dimples make beautiful smiles that radiate youth and beauty. As a result, many of us wish we had dimples.

A small opening in the cheeks’ buccinator muscles creates dimples, and some people inherit the trait. Technically, they’re a defect, but it’s a harmless and one regarded as beautiful or charming.

Some men have dimpled chins, and they also can be created if desired. The final spot for dimples is on the lower back. Some women have them, and Dr. Tan can create them for many people.

Woman pointing to her cheek dimple. Plastic surgery in Honolulu, Hawaii.

What Will Dr. Tan and I Discuss About Dimple Surgery?

  • Optimal placement for dimples
  • Correct depth
  • How to maintain them (avoid weight gain)
  • What to expect after surgery

Dr. Tan’s exceptional aesthetic skills are an asset to dimple creation, just as they are to all other facial plastic surgery procedures. Her ability to evaluate your needs and develop a personalized treatment plan will improve the results.

Optimal placement and correct depth of dimples have everything to do with their smile-enhancing effects. When you’re in Dr. Tan’s hands, you have a caring female surgeon who will listen and consider your goals.

The Dimple Surgery Procedure: How Does It Work?

Dimple creation surgery is performed on the inside of your cheek, so no incisions are made on your face. It takes place in our Honolulu facial plastic surgery center under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis.

The procedure takes about 30 minutes and happens through a small opening in the mouth to access the buccinator muscle. When completed, the incision is closed with dissolvable stitches. Patients can return to their normal lives with few restrictions. You’ll rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash during the healing period and may be prescribed antibiotics to prevent any infection as the incisions heal.

What are the Types of Dimple Creation Surgery?

Cheek dimpleplasty, Oahu. Dimple creation, Honolulu, HI.


Facial dimples enhance your smile, make you look youthful and more beautiful. Adding or enhancing them can make you look younger and more attractive, regardless of your age.

Creating them is a simple procedure to make openings in the buccal muscle on each cheek in the desired spot. It’s marked before your surgery begins so you and Dr. Tan can agree on the location and depth. The procedure occurs on the inside without visible evidence of surgery on your face.

Hawaii Facial Plastic Surgery chin dimple procedure, Honolulu, HI.


Chin dimple creation replicates the look of a “cleft chin,” which is widely viewed as a symbol of masculinity and one that many men desire.

Unlike cheek dimples which require a procedure on two sides, chin dimple surgery occurs in a single spot. If you have a cleft chin and prefer it to appear smooth, Dr. Tan can fill it with dermal fillers.

Who is a Good Candidate for Dimleplasty?

Depending on your goals, there is no specific age range for dimple surgery, which may be performed together with other procedures. During an initial consultation, you can ask questions and learn more about how dimple and other facial plastic surgery procedures may improve your look.

Dr. Tan’s goal in every facial plastic surgical procedure is to produce natural-looking results; dimpleplasty is no exception. Its effects are among the more subtle – people would rarely guess you underwent the procedure. But your face and smile will appear more youthful and attractive.

Enhancing Facial Appearance

How to make your face more appealing varies by person. Some of us may have a noticeably improved appearance by adding dimples. Deciding what’s best for you requires considering your facial structure holistically and determining what natural-looking changes benefit you the most.

Dr. Tan is caring and candid about the appropriateness of dimpleplasty for each patient drawing on her years of experience and training. She can share before and after photos and other imaging to explain the effect dimples may have – or recommend additional procedures to help achieve your appearance goals.

Facial plastic surgery, dimple creation in Honolulu.

Is Dimple Removal Possible?

Can dimpleplasty remove dimples? As much as some people wish they had dimples, others may have them naturally and want them removed. Many patients seeking removal are men with cleft chins who want them smoothed, but some are people with facial dimples.

Patients requesting dimple removal can have different concerns

  • Unusual placement on the face
  • Dimples that appear too deep

The good news is that dimple surgery works both ways, and just as it can create them, it can also lessen or remove them. Plastic surgery aims to achieve the desired outcome for each patient and enhance their appearance. If you’d like to remove dimples, schedule a consultation with Dr. Tan to let her explain the procedure and how it can benefit you.

Having Dimples Created in Honolulu

Dr. Tan offers this specialized procedure to help her patients have more beautiful and appealing smiles. As a double-board-certified female facial plastic surgeon, she is among the leading providers of dimple creation in Honolulu. Her reputation among patients is excellent, and she is caring and knowledgeable.

Achieving excellent results while following a conservative approach with dimpleplasty leads to natural looks. The goal is to gently improve your appearance to appear refreshed and youthful without a harsh look.

Dimples can give you more self-confidence in your facial appearance.

With dimple creation, you’ll see quick results. It’s a short surgical procedure with little downtime. If you’ve already wished you had dimples, there’s every reason to discover more. In some cultures, having dimples is even considered good luck.

Dimple Creation Surgery in Honolulu | Frequently Asked Questions

The way people view you may change and improve after you have a dimple creation procedure. The benefits include a more sculptural facial look, increased allure, fast surgery with short downtime, and immediate results that can boost your self-confidence.

Conversely, dimpleplasty to remove dimples also benefits you in various ways related to your appearance and self-esteem. Either way, it is performed in Hawaii Facial Plastic Surgery’s state-of-the-art facilities.

Dr. Tan’s goal is to provide the best dimple creation Honolulu offers. While all facial plastic surgeons undergo the required training and earn certifications, aesthetic abilities are somewhat innate. Dr. Tan follows the most advanced surgical procedures and applies her unique aesthetic skills.

She is also well-known for patient education and will thoroughly explain your options and what to expect during and after your surgery.

Working together with your smile and enhancing it, dimples animate your face. They are an added dimension to your lower face and view by most people as charming and attractive.

Many models and celebrities are famous for their dimples and are viewed as attractive and engaging. In some cultures, dimples are seen as good luck charms.

Many patients are surprised by the favorable reaction they receive after surgery and healing.

The recovery time after dimpleplasty is not long. It’s an outpatient procedure with mild swelling afterward. You can reduce the swelling by applying ice packs.

Many patients take two days off from work or school as the swelling decreases and their new dimples become apparent. Be sure to follow any post-treatment instructions you receive.

Dr. Tan is one of the leading dimple creation surgeons in Honolulu. Her Hawaii Facial Plastic Surgery offices are at 1150 S. King St., Suite 504, Honolulu, HI 96814.

Want to Learn More About Dimple Surgery in Honolulu? Contact us today.

Susan Tan, MD, Hawaii Facial Plastic Surgery

Hawaii Facial Plastic Surgery is a concierge clinic offering surgical and non-surgical rejuvenation of the face and neck and advanced cosmetic treatments. Our Founder and Medical Director, Susan Tan, MD, is the only female double-board-certified facial plastic surgeon in Honolulu.

1150 S King St, Suite 504 Honolulu, HI 96814 | Tel: (808) 636- 9084

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