
Because Your Eyes Tell the Story

Blepharoplasty in Honolulu | Eyelid Lift Surgery

In many ways, your eyes are among the most visible and expressive parts of your face. The effects can be profound when their appearance is affected by aging or sun damage. Droopy eyes may make you appear tired or, unintentionally, as though you aren’t paying attention.

If you’re ready to look more youthful again, seeing Dr. Tan for eyelid surgery in Honolulu can be the answer. She is one of the foremost facial plastic surgeons in Oahu and has extensive experience correcting upper and lower eyelids. You may need/elect surgery on the top, bottom, or both. It’s also common for patients to have an eyelid lift, formally known as blepharoplasty, along with a facelift. Either way, Dr. Tan has the expertise to help.

Are eyelid lifts only cosmetic, or are there medical benefits?

Nearly universally, a desire for cosmetic improvements brings patients to us for eyelid surgery, but there are also medical benefits. For example, excess fat or skin on the upper eyelids can somewhat obstruct peripheral vision. When it is removed, your field of vision is restored.

One of the best things about having an eyelid lift is that downtime and recovery are less than some other plastic surgery procedures – and you’ll see a significant facial appearance improvement and potential vision benefits.

Oahu blepharoplasty, Honolulu. Blepharoplasty facial surgery areas of improvement.

What Does Eyelid Lift Surgery Improve or Correct?

  • Reduces excess skin on the upper eyelids
  • Removes “hoods” over the upper eyelids
  • Reduces bags and wrinkles under the bottom lid
  • Combines easily with other facial procedures
  • Improved peripheral vision

Just as you do with all other facial improvements, you want an eyelid lift to appear natural. Dr. Tan’s advanced techniques assure the best outcome; she can take years off your appearance. She will guide you through the process and explain the options that would be best for you.

The incisions required for an eyelid lift are easily made in the existing folds of the eyelid, which disguises them naturally and permanently. It’s another factor that reduces downtime after your surgery.

Eyelid Lift Surgical Procedures: Upper and Lower

Whether you would benefit from upper or lower eyelid surgery depends on your eyes and what you hope to improve. Most important is making natural and realistic improvements to avoid the “surprised” look that some people had from old-fashioned eyelid lifts.

It’s also important to correct the upper and lower eyelids in a way that looks natural together with other parts of your face. Having an eyelid lift in conjunction with a facelift may create a more rejuvenated appearance than having either one separately.

Upper Eyelid Surgery

There are cosmetic and vision improvements when skin above the eye loses its elasticity and sags or muscles become lax. It’s also common for fat deposits to accumulate above the eye – all of which can be corrected by upper eyelid surgery.

Lower Eyelid Surgery

Nearly everyone has encountered “bags under their eyes,” which is one of the best things improved by surgery under the eye. If you have puffiness or extra skin, lower eyelid surgery can remove it permanently and improve your appearance.

Eyelid Lift Surgical Procedures: Upper and Lower

Am I a Candidate for Eyelid Lift Surgery?

Eyelid surgery can be an ideal solution for patients from all walks of life. If your eyelids have begun to negatively affect how you feel about your appearance, then this procedure could be for you. To start and see if you are a good candidate for eyelid surgery, contact us today to set up your consultation with Dr. Tan.

By personally meeting with an experienced facial surgeon, you can learn all about your treatment options and see what is right for you. Together, you and Dr. Tan can build a personalized procedure plan to take your eyes and facial aesthetic to where you want it to be.

Facelift patient preparing for a deep plane facelift procedure.

Asian Eyelid Surgery

Dr. Tan offers complete Asian blepharoplasty services to create a double eyelid or eyelid fold. It can enhance the eye’s appearance, and some feel improve eyes that may look tired. If you’re curious about the procedure, schedule a consultation to discuss your options.

Asian double-eyelid surgery can be performed with or without incisions, depending on your eyes and the amount of skin. Regardless of which approach is best for you, Dr. Tan has a skilled hand and an excellent sense of aesthetics to achieve the best results.

Oahu SMAS facelift procedure. Non-surgical facelift.

Nonsurgical Alternatives

Nonsurgical options are available for some patients who are not good candidates for an eyelid lift or would benefit more from alternative treatments. If the appearance of your eyes is most affected by volume loss, Dr. Tan can treat you with gel fillers.

Injectable fillers can restore volume to the upper and lower eyelids; there is no cutting involved and very little recovery time. Patients love the results and appreciate the convenience.

What is an Eyebrow Lift?

Just as eyelid lift surgery is commonly combined with a facelift, it may be paired with an eyebrow lift (browplasty) if needed. Dr. Tan’s personalized facial evaluation will cover all the possibilities that work best for your unique needs.

  • Lifts sagging eyebrows
  • Reduces forehead lines and wrinkles
  • Improves “hooded” eyes

Eyebrow lifts are different from eyelid lift surgery. They lift the skin from the hairline above the forehead rather than the eye tissue. Eyebrow lifting benefits people who naturally have a heavy brow and are usually between 40 and 65. Each procedure has specific advantages, and Dr. Tan can explain which would be most helpful in improving your appearance.

Choosing a Honolulu Plastic Surgeon for Your Eyelid Lift

All cosmetic plastic surgery is delicate and precise, and nowhere is it more needed than eye procedures. Dr. Tan has years of experience as a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon and is one of the foremost eyelid lift surgeons in Honolulu.

Her training, double certification, and favorable patient reviews testify to Dr. Tan’s experience and expertise. She has devoted her career to working with patients to improve their appearance with natural-looking results.

Are you interested in meeting Dr. Tan and finding out more? Schedule an initial consultation today.

During an initial consultation, you’ll have a professional evaluation of your eyes and face, including imaging. Dr. Tan will explain the options you can consider and recommend the procedures that will improve your appearance the most.

Eyelid Lift Surgery in Honolulu | Commonly Asked Questions

Honolulu blepharoplasty, also known as an eyelid lift, involves surgically removing a small portion of the eyelid skin and fatty tissue. When complete, the area is stitched up with micro sutures. The surgeon works from the inside or makes incisions on the folds of the eyelids so they are invisible when healed. It’s a quick procedure, often done simultaneously with other cosmetic facial improvements.

For virtually everyone, recovery from an eyelid lift does not involve significant discomfort.

Ptosis is a medical term for drooping eyelids. They can have cosmetic and vision effects if left untreated. It can result in an asymmetrical or tired appearance that resolves with treatment.

Dr. Tan will evaluate you for ptosis during the initial consultation for eyelid surgery. It can be added to your surgical plan if needed.

As you do with any surgical procedure at Hawaii Facial Plastic Surgery, you’ll receive instructions about what to do before your procedure.

It’s always wise to arrange for someone to pick you up, drive you home afterward, and have your fridge stocked with things to eat.

If you’ll have urgent tasks around the time of your surgery, take care of them in advance so you have ample downtime as needed.

Each of us recovers at different rates, but you’ll be pleased to know recovery after an eyelid lift is simpler than some other procedures.

Things to do and expect after eyelid surgery include:

2-4 days after surgery – Keep your head elevated to reduce swelling. Use plenty of pillows in bed, or sleep in a comfortable reclining chair.

Week after surgery – Avoid watching TV or reading. We suggest you have audiobooks or podcasts available to listen to instead of TV and reading.

First two weeks after surgery – Some bruising and swelling may be present. For most people, they subside continuously during the first two weeks. Avoid bending, strenuous physical activities, and being bumped by pets or children.

Nonsurgical dermal fillers require very little recovery time, and most patients are finished with minimal after-effects in 1-3 days.

Searching for the best surgeon for blepharoplasty Honolulu has available? It’s convenient to reach Dr. Tan at Hawaii Facial Plastic Surgery from anywhere in Oahu. We’re at 1150 S. King St., Suite 504, Honolulu, HI 96814.

Before Your Blepharoplasty Procedure (Pre-Op)

Please familiarize yourself with the instructions below as you prepare for your eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty). If you have questions, please get in touch with the Hawaii Facial Plastic Surgery office

  • Antibacterial wash
  • Lubri-Fresh eye ointment (OTC)
  • Artificial ears (not Visine) (OTC)
  • 4×4 gauze dressing sponges
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Cotton swabs
  • Arnica
  • Recommended supplements
  • Antibiotics
  • Pain medication
  • Ativan (lorazepam)
  • Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen products (Advil, Motrin, Aleve, Aspirin, Excedrin, Midol, etc.)
  • If you need a pain reliever, take Tylenol (acetaminophen) only
  • Stop smoking if you smoke
  • Stop drinking if you drink alcoholic beverages
  • Arrange for another adult to pick you up after surgery and have them or someone be present in your home with you the first night.
  • Schedule yourself with three to five days at home to recover after surgery
  • Take one lorazepam (Ativan) one hour before your arrival time. You will receive an additional dose after you arrive.
  • Wash your face with the antibacterial wash
  • Take your usual medicines with only a sip of water
  • Ensure you remove all eye make-up
  • Do not wear make-up or moisturizer anywhere on your face
  • Bring large sunglasses and a brimmed hat
  • Wear loose, comfortable clothing that opens in the front and comfortable shoes
  • Do not wear contact lenses or jewelry
  • Leave your valuables at home
  • Let Dr. Tan know about any medications you plan to take after surgery

After Your Blepharoplasty Procedure (Post-Op)

Eyelid surgery patients should plan to rest at home for three to five days after surgery. Before leaving the office, remember to make an appointment for a surgical follow-up visit in one week.

  • When you arrive home pour chilled bottled water in a bowl & dip a 4 by 4-inch gauze pad in the water. Place the gauze over the lids with your eyes closed. Do it for 20 minutes on the first and second days after surgery.
  • Your may experience blurry vision because of the medicated ointment we use to protect your eye during surgery. It may be noticeable for one to two days.
  • You may have a burning sensation for the first day.
  • Be sure to place ice packs over the eyes after surgery. You may use frozen peas in a clean plastic bag or a small bag filled with crushed ice. Place them on your closed eye lids but always use a gauze sponge for protection between your eyelid and the plastic bag. Never place bags with frozen items directly on the skin.
  • Your eyes may feel itchy as the burning sensation subsides. It is a normal part of recovery.
  • You may eat meals, watch TV, or visit the restroom.
  • You may not drive on the day of surgery.
  • Eating a high protein, low carbohydrate diet is best for several days. Try to avoid salty food and carbohydrates.
  • Clean the incisions. Gently use a cotton swab and hydrogen peroxide or water to clean away any dried blood. Be careful not to get the hydrogen peroxide in the eye.
  • Keep the incisions moist. Use Lubri-Fresh to keep a thin layer of ointment over the incisions during the first week after surgery. It will provide a healing environment and will help reduce itchy sensations.
  • You may have dry eyes during the first week after the surgery.
  • Rest with your head and shoulders elevated on two pillows.
  • Sleep elevated with 2-3 pillows behind you and sleep on your back. It is also helpful to place a pillow under each arm to ensure you remain on your back all night.
  • Take two Extra Strength Tylenol every six hours as needed for discomfort, or other pain medication as prescribed. Do not take together without consulting with Dr. Tan
  • You may resume driving after two or three days, if your vision is clear and you feel comfortable and alert.
  • You may not drive if you are taking any other pain medication other than Tylenol.
  • Do not wear contact lenses for 7 to 10 days after surgery. Glasses may be worn at any time.
  • Keep the nasal splint, including internal splints if applicable, in place until your post-surgery follow-up appointment.
  • Continue to clean away blood with cotton swabs and hydrogen peroxide as needed.
  • Continue to rinse the nostrils with saline spray dabbed up with facial tissues.
  • Do not blow your nose
  • Avoid excessive chewing or talking
  • Reduce salty foods and drinking water to lessen swelling
  • Sleep on your back with your head elevated by two pillows
  • Wait three days before wearing contact lenses
  • Brush your teeth gently, avoid disturbing the upper lip
  • Avoid strenuous activity
  • Spend most time sitting upright
  • Get your nose wet in the shower on the day of your one-week post-surgery appointment to loosen the cast. Do not pull the cast off, but if it falls off naturally, don’t worry.
  • Use two drops of artificial tears (not Visine) in each eye four times a day.
  • Apply Lubri-Fresh ointment directly into the eye at bedtime.
  • Do not smoke – even a single puff of tobacco constricts blood vessels and impedes healing.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages
  • No tennis, swimming, jogging, golf, or regular exercise routines
  • If you have questions, call the office

Are you interested in learning more about our eyelid lift services in Honolulu? Reach out today.

Susan Tan, MD, Hawaii Facial Plastic Surgery

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